Nine Things You Should Always Do In A Personal Injury Case



Below is a list of nine (9) instructions to be followed in the personal injury case which you are experiencing. These are general suggestions that apply to most cases although one or two of the suggestions may not apply to your specific case.


1. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU SPEAK TO AND BE CAREFUL OF THE STATEMENTS THAT YOU GIVE - You should be cautious of who you talk to about your accident. You should always require some identification so that you are sure to whom you are speaking. You should do this even with your own insurance company. If you are represented by an attorney, you should speak to no other than your attorney, office staff, or an investigator for the firm. You should not give statements without your attorney or staff present.


2. YOUR DOCTOR - You should follow as precisely as possible the advice and course of treatment advised by your doctor. You should not minimize or overstate your ailments. Be sure to keep a list or diary of your doctors appointments including the dates you are treated and the doctor's name and phone number. Be sure to include in your diary any facilities that do any tests.


3. RECORD OF COMPLAINTS - You should keep a daily or weekly record of your complaints and progress. This can be very helpful when, a year later, you will be able to recall your pain and difficulties more vividly.


4. WAGES AND EARNINGS LOST - You should keep an accurate record of all days lost from work because of your injuries.


5. MEDICAL BILLS - Obtain and keep duplicate copies of all medical and hospital and drug bills. You should also keep records of any other expenses you may have in connection with your accident such as hiring of extra help. All your bills should be paid by check or your should obtain and keep receipts. You should make and keep a list of all your medical bills and the costs incurred in going to your doctor.


6. CAR REPAIR - If your automobile has not been repaired, do not do so until you are sure you have taken pictures of the damage. If it has been repaired, be sure to get an estimate from the body shop that shows all the repairs done and the total cost.


7. WITNESSES - You should make a list of witnesses to the accident, including their correct name and address, and telephone numbers.


8. PHOTOGRAPHS - You should take photos of anything you think may be used in your accident. This should include property damage, injuries, the accident scene, scarring, and before or after any surgery.


9. HOSPITAL AND DOCTOR BILLS - If you have your own insurance to cover such bills, go ahead and have them paid as soon as possible. If you have sufficient funds to pay any difference in the amount covered by insurance, do not hesitate to pay your obligations because of the lawsuit.